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Community server:


Become a Singularity community member:

  • Learn meditation
  • Receive SCoin
  • Join the community and grow with us.

General members receive:

  • Personalized meditation training
  • Weekly/ daily practice  sessions
  • SC72,000 + 100SC for each 20 min meditation practice ( max 2x a day)

Singularity governor receive:

  • 21 days ttc (includes how to give introductory lecture and 21 lessons from from Swami ji on how to teach SM) to teach singularity meditation
  • Receive personal Deeksha
  • SC1000,000( 111111.111111/6 months)


  • Limited number of spots available to learn directly under Swami ji
  • Upon completion you will receive governorship and a million coins 1000,000/4.5 each year = SC111111.111111/6months) along with the title and special benefits.
  • Can then become official trainers and administrators.

Educational material include:

  • Recorded or live intro lecture on SM and singularity
  • 4 session private session to learn SM
  • 21 day ttc on SM to become SM governor 
  • 20 min meditation practice is to be taught. (Pranayama, Kayakalp asanas and daily yogic routine guide is available to members as additional educational resources for the member community.)
  • A video on how to open a personal crypto wallet to give and receive SCoin and other cryptos.
  • A book on Singularity meditation
Let’s work together. Fill out the form below, send a message and/or request more information:

Singularity Membership

  • Esoteric Training
  • Activate Your Potential
  • Get Paid With Crypto
  • Make The World A Better Place
  • Contribute to Advancement of Research in Ethical AI and Human Development
  • Join The Community